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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why is this project important?
    This segment of the system is characterized as the “backbone” of the metro Phoenix 230kV system. It has been in the ground for approximately 50 years and is reaching the end of its design life and capacity. To provide ongoing reliable service to our customers, the system needs to be upgraded to increase capacity and replace aging infrastructure.
  • How did APS identify this project?
    APS regularly monitors and evaluates the system and infrastructure to ensure we can provide reliable service now and into the future. This project was identified as the transmission line was aging and the need for additional power has increased.
  • What is the location or alignment of the pipeline and project?
    A graphic of the general location is provided on the Project Area Map page. The line is located in existing easements or public rights-of-way.
  • How will the underground pipeline be accessed?
    The underground cables and pipeline will be accessed through various manholes along the project route. Contractor crews and equipment will be located at various manholes to remove or feed the cable through. There will be traffic control in impacted areas, including street closures in some cases. The work will move between eight sites, typically staying in one location for a few weeks.
  • Will there be any digging or excavation?
    Based on the results of the robotic monitoring equipment (aka “smart pig”), there should only be excavation if it becomes necessary to replace segments of the existing underground pipeline.
  • Will there be electric outages?
    No, we do not anticipate electric outages since the power will be rerouted to other circuits during construction. If there is a need for electric outages, affected customers will be notified in advance of any planned outages. The notification will include the date and duration of the planned outage.
  • Is this process safe for nearby residents and businesses?
    Yes. Safety is our top priority – for the community, for our employees and for the contractors we work with. The lines we’re working on will be deenergized, meaning they will not have electric current running through them during the time of removal and installation.
  • When is construction scheduled?
    Construction is currently scheduled to begin in Fall 2023 and be complete in late Spring 2024. Residents or businesses near manhole locations or repair locations, should that be required, will receive additional information related to the construction schedule and impacts.
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