Project Area Work Location Map
The underground lines will be accessed through seven manholes along the project route in between the Country Club and Lincoln Street South substations. Work will also take place at the Country Club Substation and Lincoln Street Substation at the north and south end of the alignment, respectively, to complement the system upgrade. Work at each manhole will not be continuous as the contractor will need access to the manholes at various points in the schedule.
Manholes will be accessed to remove the existing cable (power line), and the pipeline integrity will then be evaluated by a robotic device to determine if repairs are needed prior to installing new cable. Should repair or replacement of pipe segments be required, residents and businesses near the affected location will be notified of planned work and schedule.
The pipeline contains a mineral oil to maintain continuous cooling of the line. Due to the size of the truck-mounted equipment needed for cable removal and installation, roads or lanes at the manhole locations may be closed to accommodate the work.